March updates

Well, February was a month and a half…

Didn’t expect to end up in hospital for three nights, or to be on the waiting list to have my gall bladder removed, but there you go. Life likes to throw curve balls.

In the meantime, I’ve done a lot of hard thinking over the past month about upcoming releases and writing projects, and I now have a clear way forward, so without any further ado, let’s crack on…


I was planning to release my heavy metal coming-of-age tale, (s)Kin, in April, but if you follow me on socials, you’ll already know I pulled the pre-orders.

Now, after a month of careful reflection, I’ve decided not to release (s)Kin at all.

I love the project. It was my first fully completed novel (originally written way back in 2006) and will always have a special place in my heart, but the truth is the book is just not up to the standard set by Badlands and Bleak Waters.

As it stands, the third act would need a major re-write, but even then I don’t feel the book would compare to its younger siblings.

So, it’s back in my unpublished files and there it will stay.

Which now leads me on to…


I was probably five or six scenes from completing draft 2 when I was admitted to hospital.

Two weeks post-release from hospital, as I adjust to a new diet and the return to my day job, I don’t have the mental energy to tackle completing a novel, particularly as I suspect there is still some major rewriting to do in future drafts.

So, once again, Trinity is on hiatus for a few weeks.

So, what’s next?

Well, while dealing with a novel is beyond me at the minute, I have been tinkering with some short fiction.

During the pandemic, I spent a year solely writing short stories and drabbles of varying length, and I’ve got about ten stories that are finished, complete and ready to go.

So, with that in mind, I’ve decided to bunch them together into a collection of short tales of horror, darkness, love and redemption and self-publish it through the ‘zon.

Upcoming medical appointments mean I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to meet any deadlines, self-imposed or otherwise so there won’t be any pre-orders.

My intention, however, is for it to be released in the first week of April on Kindle & KU, possibly paperback at the same time, although that may be deferred.

The full title, cover and story listing will be revealed in the coming weeks, but in the meantime, I’ll leave you with a little teaser of the cover.

Don’t forget to follow my blog for more updates!

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